Current Issues Forum: Biofuels
  1. 2008. Biofuels Market Outlook: New Energy Report 2007. (Brochure and Order form) (pdf)
  2. The Role Of Wood Energy In Africa Samir Amous, Forestry Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy (website)
Asia and the Pacific
  1. 2008. Bio fuels Asia 2008 (website)
  2. Regional Wood Energy Development Program in Asia. (website)
  3. Wood Energy Data: Woodfuel Sources in: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. (website)
  4. Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia. (pdf)
  1. Algae: The ultimate biofuel? (website)
  2. Comfortable use of wood pellets in one-family houses in Jämtland County, Sweden (website)
  3. Lithuanian - Swedish Wood Fuels Development Project. (pdf)
  4. Swiss energy. (website)
  5. Wood Supply Research Group. University of Aberdeen (website)
  6. BIOBIB: A database for biofuels. Reisinger, K., C. Haslinger, M. Herger, H. Hofbauer. Institute of Chemical Technology Vienna, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien, Austria (website)
  7. Energy Centre, Slovakia. Wood Fired Heating Plant in Slovakia. Slovak Centre of Biomass Use for Energy (website)
  8. WETT Regional Studies: The Role Of Wood Energy In Africa. by Samir Amous. Forestry Department. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy (website)
  9. Wood Energy News - Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia Site includes information on woodfuel resources, woodfuel flows, wood energy planning and policies and wood energy technologies. Final Issue: Dec 2002. (website)
  10. Illegal logging and wood energy:UNECE Timber Committee discusses policy issues of the day. (website)
  1. 2009. Biofuel supplement. International Service for Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications.(ISAAA). Biotech Update. 26 June 2009.(website)
  2. Hot market for biofuels. Mats Wigardt. (website)
  3. Electricity from wood waste (website)
  4. Woodgas: Biomass Energy Foundation (website)
  5. Wood fires that fit (website)
  6. Woodgas powered VW's and other vehicles. (website)
  7. Share of wood energy. Wood Energy Database (website)
  8. Wood Heat:
  9. Biofires. (website)
  10. Central Boiler (website)
  11. Wood pellets and wood chips in automatic combustion plant (website)
  12. Wood Fired Hot Tub (website)
  13. International Energy Agency. Bioenergy
  14. FAO Wood energy Forum (website)
  15. FAO's Forestry Department's database of hyperlinks to relevant forestry sites (website)
  16. Fuel Characteristics. Wood Energy Database (website)
  17. Employment. Wood energy database (website)
  18. Woodfuel Prices. Wood energy database (website)
  19. Biomass Energy Technology. Wood energy database (website)
  20. Emission. Wood energy database (website)
  21. Wood Energy Information Systems (WEIS) interactive database based on FAO's Wood Energy Today for Tomorrow (WETT) studies (website)
  22. FAO - Forestry. FAO's Forestry Department programme on wood energy (website)
  23. FAO's Forestry Department's database of hyperlinks to relevant forestry sites (website)
  24. BIOBIB - search for woods. The data is sorted in alphabetic order. (website)
  25. Planet Power: "Energy and the Environment." (website)

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Louisiana Forest Products Development Center

School of Renewable Natural Resources

Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Please direct questions or comments about this site to:
Dr. Richard Vlosky, Director

Louisiana Forest Products Development Center

Copyright © 2003-2008
School of Renewable Natural Resources

Renewable Natural Resources
UNECE Timber Committee
LSU Agricultural Center
European Forestry Commission