Current Issues Forum
Certification and Environment

  1. The PEFC Council (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, founded in 1999 which promotes sustainably managed forests through independent third party certification. The PEFC provides an assurance mechanism to purchasers of wood and paper products that they are promoting the sustainable management of forests

  2. (The Sustainable Forestry Initiative®SFI) program is based on the premise that responsible environmental behavior and sound business decisions can co-exist. SFI program participants practice sustainable forestry on all the lands they manage. They also influence millions of additional acres through the training of loggers and foresters in best management practices and landowner outreach programs. This unique commitment to sustainable forestry recognizes that all forest landowners, not just SFI program participants, play a critical role in ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of our forests.

  3. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international not-for-profit membership-based organization that brings people together to find solutions to the problems created by bad forestry practices and to reward good forest management.

This Website is hosted by
Louisiana Forest Products Development Center

School of Renewable Natural Resources

Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Please direct questions or comments about this site to:
Dr. Richard Vlosky, Director
Louisiana Forest Products Development Center

Copyright © 2003-2008
School of Renewable Natural Resources

Renewable Natural Resources
UNECE Timber Committee
LSU Agricultural Center
European Forestry Commission