Current Issues Forum: Biofuels
articles | PRESENTATIONS | databases | activities | events | links

  1. 2009. Jatropha Curcas as a potential source for producing biofuel in the dry lands of IUCN PACO countries. Regional Workshop on Biofuel Production and Invasive Species. Martin Nganje and Seynou Oumarou. Nairobi 20 April 2009
Asia and the Pacific
  1. 2008. Biofuels and poverty nexus in Asia. By Myo Thant, Presentation: 13thPoverty and Environment Partnership Meeting, Manila, 11 June 2008 (pdf)
  2. 2007. Energy and the Forest Products Industry in Malaysia.(pdf)
  1. Economic and environmental implications of woodfuel production and competition with other uses: Europe as an example. (pdf)
  2. European Market Study for BioOil(Pyrolysis). (pdf)
  3. The EE21 project. (pdf)
  4. Solid and Liquid Biofuels Markets in Finland - Study on International biofueltrade. (pdf)
  5. The CAP & Bioenergy Driver or Barrier? (pdf)
  6. Role of Bioenergy in the Kyoto Protocol,in the EU-ETS and in future Climate Agreements.(pdf)
  7. European panel Federation viewpoint on sustainable wood energy policies. (pdf)
  8. UNECE Timber Committee Annual Market Discussions. Ed.Pepke, Forest Products Marketing Specialist, UNECE and FAO Timber Branch, Trade Development and Timber Division. (pdf)
  9. Trends and Market Effects of Wood Energy Policies. Mr. Bengt Hillring, Associate Professor, Department of Bioenergy, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.(pdf)
  10. Export of Biomass from Russia in the context of Climate change policies. Mr. Hans Jansen, Project Leader, Trade Development and Timber Branch UNECE. (pdf)
  11. Wood-using Industries and woody biomass: The case of the European Pulp and Paper Industries. Mr. Bernard de Galembert, Forest Director, Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI). (pdf)
  12. Private Forest owners' Viewpoint on wood energy policies. Ms. Natalie Hufnagl, Secretary General, Confederation of European Forest Owners. (pdf)
  13. European Panel Federation viewpoint on wood energy policies. Ms. Eva Janssens, Economic Advisor, European Panel Federation. (pdf)
  14. Successful biomass Implementaion in Estonia (pdf)
  15. An over-view of existing & emerging EU policies relating to energy from biomass and their effects on forestbased industries. (pdf)
  16. 2003. Development of Wood Chips and Pellets market in Slovakia. Jozef Viglasky, SK-BIOM, Slovakia February 2003, Bratislava, Slovakia (pdf)
  17. 2003. SIDA DemoEast programme in Estonia. Supply, delivery and installation of wood pellet burning equipment. Elmu Potter, Regional Energy Centres in Estonia. Presentation at: managEnergy Workshop on Biomass utilization at local and regional level 4-5 February 2003, Bratislava, Slovakia (pdf).  
  18. 2003. Successful biomass (wood pellets) implementation in Estonia. Elmu Potter. Managenergy workshop and study tour 4 - 5 February 2003 Regional Energy centers in Estonia Slices (pdf of slide handouts).
  19. 2003. Trends and Market Effects of Wood Energy Policies. October 2003. Mr. Bengt Hillring, Associate Professor, Department of Bioenergy, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (pdf)
  20. 2002. Thunman, H. Lecture Notes of Henrik Thunman, Combustion of Biomass - Nordic Course (Presentation), Lyngby, Denmark, 19-23 August 2002 (pdf)
  21. 2002. Richard, N. and H.Thunman. General equations for Biomass Properties, Project report, August 2002.
  22. 2002. Biomass DHP/CHP- benifits at local and regional level. Krzysztof Gierulski. ManageEnergy Workshop, Brussels. July 1, 2002 (pdf)
  23. 2002. Anonymous. Preparation of a pilot biogas CHP plant integrated with a wood-chip fired DHP system, Poland Presentation at: managEnergy Workshop on Renewable Energy Good practice at local and regional level 1 July 2002, Brussels, Belgium Institute for Renewable Energy Ltd, Poland (pdf).
Latin America and the Caribbean
  1. How Brazilian pulp and paper industry faces energy challenges. (pdf)
North America
  1. Commercializing Biorefineries; The Path Forward. (pdf)
  2. 2009. Wood-based Biomass in the U.S. An Emphasis on Wood Energy. Richard Vlosky, Abraham Baffoe, Priyan Perera, Rangika Perera. Interanational Conference on Woody Biomass Utilization.  4-5 August, 2009. Starkville, MS. (pdf)
  3. 2009. Leveraging Intellectual Property for Biofuel Innovators. Peter A. Jackman. Advanced Biofuels Workshop, Colorado Convention Center, June 15, 2009. (pdf)
  4. 2009. Biofuels and land-use change: A simpler approach to the problem. John J. Sheehan. Institute on the Environment. University of Minnesota. Presented to the California Air Resources Board. March 27, 2009. (pdf)
  5. 2008. Implications of US Biofuels Production for Global Land Use. Presented by Thomas W. Hertel, Based on joint work with Dileep K. Birur, Farzad Taheripour, and Wallace E. Tyner. Center for Global Trade Analysis Purdue University. Presented to the California Air Resources Board. 30 June 2008. (pdf)
  6. 2008. Legislating Biofuels in the U.S. Wendy Clark, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA. 2008 SAE Biofuels Specifications and Performance Symposium. July 7-9, 2008, Paris (pdf)
  7. 2008. Annual Energy Outlook 2009. Early Release. 17 December 2008. US Gov. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (pdf)
  1. 2008. Economic Assessment of Biofuel Support Policies. Summary of OECD Report Directorate for Trade and Agriculture. Press Conference. Paris, 16 July 2008. (pdf)
  2. 2008. Policy choice: forest or fuel. Poster by Keith Sargent and Clay Ogg, U.S. EPA, OA/OPEI-NCEE, Washington, DC. 7 Feb 2008. (pdf)
  3. The Economic Situation in the ECE Region. Mr. Dieter Hesse, Economist, UNECE Economic Analysis Division.(pdf)
  4. Modelling: Momentum Heat and Mass Balance (pdf)
  5. Review of global bioenergy scenarios. (pdf)
  6. Economic and environmental implications of woodfuel production and competition with other uses: Europe as an example. (pdf)
  7. Energy technology perspectives, Scenarios and Strategies to 2050. (pdf)
  8. The sustainable forest products industry, carbon and climate change. (pdf)
  9. Forest biorefining and implications for future wood energy scenarios. (pdf)
  10. Wood waste for energy: lessons learnt from tropical regions. (pdf)
  11. 2003. Rajiv Sekhri. Forestry waste could help meet Kyoto targets, says study. (website)

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Louisiana Forest Products Development Center

School of Renewable Natural Resources

Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Please direct questions or comments about this site to:
Dr. Richard Vlosky, Director

Louisiana Forest Products Development Center

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School of Renewable Natural Resources

Renewable Natural Resources
UNECE Timber Committee
LSU Agricultural Center
European Forestry Commission